Welcome to my Carrd page.
This site is far from perfect, and will be updated occasionally (rarely) so be sure to check back from time to time.
Or don't... Whatever.

Before You Continue:
Please keep in mind that I will not tolerate the following things:
People I got beef with
People who got beef with me
The guy from that pizzeria I went to once (you know what you did)
Also, just something to keep in mind:
I'm really bad at talking to people.... so uh, yeah.
Who the hell is this guy?!
I'm Larry.
I'm just some stupid mid-20s unfunny gay furry gamer on the internet, hailing from the land of guns, burgers and eagles. I like memes and I occasionally draw and do music.
Also I swear a lot and I hate people. :)
My birthday is December 1st
ALSO Also I have an unhealthy obsession with the Starman theme from Super Mario Bros.
Uh here's some of the sites I'm on, I guess.
I'm also on a few more sites that aren't listed here.
Mostly because I'm lazy lmao.
... However, some of the sites I'm on contain some risky stuff
If you see an Unoriginal_Fox on Twitter or whatever, chances are that isn't me.
I left Twitter. The Twitter button up there is a joke.I'm not calling it X.